
Learning & Growing

Life at 香港六合彩中特网

香港六合彩中特网’s supportive gender inclusive community allows students to be open-­minded, at ­ease and engaged each day.
We’re committed to maintaining the small-school feel at the heart of 香港六合彩中特网. Throughout the year, students have ample opportunities to build bonds with their peers both within and between grades, whether it’s competing together at Spirit Day or collaborating on a student-led committee. Our social spaces, including a rooftop terrace, second-floor common area and quiet alcoves throughout the building, provide perfect places to establish and nurture new and lasting friendships.
Our immediate community is small, but we reach out to the city, country and world from a shared ethos that values citizenship, empathy, and social and environmental awareness.

香港六合彩中特网 makes service to the community part of everyday life. Just one example of a student initiative is our , through which our students provide equipment and coaching for younger students who might otherwise be unable to play. Always, our students witness the difference their efforts can make.

Whether your child has a passion for sports, acting, debating or drumming, we can help them pursue it. 香港六合彩中特网 offers abundant opportunities for students to immerse themselves in high-calibre athletics, arts and other extracurricular programs, from our Junior Musical, to over 40 sports teams, to many student-led clubs.


443 Mount Pleasant Road
Toronto, ON M4S 2L8
Tel: 416 482 9811
We acknowledge with gratitude the Ancestral lands upon which our main campus is situated. These lands are the Ancestral territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Anishinabek and the Wendake. The shared responsibility of this land is honoured in the Dish with One Spoon Treaty and as settlers, we strive to care for the land, the waters, and all creatures in the spirit of peace. We are responsible for respecting and supporting the enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. When away from this campus we vow to be respectful to the land by protecting and honouring it. We will create relationships with the people and the land we may visit by understanding the territories we enter and the nations who inhabit them.
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